Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Hail to thee, Oh Brave Islamic Warriors
(Borrowed from the Gold Wing Road Riders Association Board)

Oh, yes, all honors to you for your brave and courageous acts.

Let's see, you hijacked numerous commercial airliners filled with unarmed, 
private civilian passengers.

Then you murdered unarmed civilians on board until you coerced the crew to 
admit you into the cockpit.

Once in the cockpit, you murdered the unarmed crew.

You took over the aircraft, flew it as a guided bomb, and directed it into a 
building filled with innocent civilians.

Oh, what heroes you must be to your brethren.

Well, whether it was Oscumbag Bin-Loser or Sodomy Hussein behind this series 
of atrocities, I have nothing but contempt for you and your muslim acts of 

Many press sources have compared your cowardly and despicable attacks on the 
World Trade Center and the Pentagon to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Pearl Harbor, although a sneak attack, was an attack by Soldiers against 
Soldiers. The target was a Military base, occupied by military personnel.

You, however, chose targets of strictly non-military populations. You 
deliberately murdered innocent civilians. Oh, what courage it took to 
slaughter thousands of unarmed civilians!

So, you brave soldiers of islam, take this to heart. No matter what shadows 
conceal you, no matter how cowardly your attacks against unarmed 
populations, no matter how dastardly your acts of atrocity and murder, we 
will hunt you down like the rabid dogs that you are.

Then, you miserable cowardly bastards, you'll get to see what REAL soldiers 
look like!

May you rot in Hell.

Since 9-15-2001, You are Visitor #